AFL and your feet this Cairns season

With the Cairns AFL season in full swing it is essential that you are in the appropriate boots and doing everything you can to ensure your body lasts throughout the season. AFL is a gruelling sport on the feet and many injuries can occur. At FNQ podiatry & Orthotics we have seen injuries ranging from Os Good Schlatters in juniors all the way to Stress Fractures in senior AFL.

As this is the case it is important to reduce the risk of injury when possible. When attending an FNQ Podiatry and Orthotics initial biomechanical appointment we will take you through a number of different sport related exercises to determine how different structures are supporting you throughout your body. From there we will also assess how you are currently walking and running to determine possible gait issues that may require attention.

We always start with your footwear first! We know it’s easy to get convinced the cheap Big-W boots will do the job, but in most cases we see this is a huge cause of injuries. That is why we recommend an appropriate footwear fitting through Rebel Sports as their selection of boots are much higher quality. Our number one brand is Asics as these boots are designed more appropriately for AFL compared to NIKE and Adidas. 

If you’re looking for effective lower limb treatment in Cairns, we can help. Book an appointment with one of our highly trained podiatrists online or over the phone to determine causes of injury and available treatment options. 



Flat feet and lower limb biomechanics can cause lower back pain. We can help with a range of effective treatment options.


If you have knee pain, you might have Patellofemoral syndrome, which left untreated can become a chronic condition.


Active individuals often get shin splints. We can help with custom orthotics, massage and strapping.


Heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis) is the most common condition that presents at our clinics. We can help.


The average pair of feet walk approximately 200,000 km over the course of a lifetime - have you had yours checked recently?

Foot focussed. Technology inspired. Results driven.

Our new modern, purpose built clinic on Mulgrave Road in Earlville, is the only podiatry clinic north of south-east Queensland to include a running rehab room and gym. This clinic is a game changer for podiatry in North Queensland. Podiatrist Cairns.

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