Many people may not recognise the seriousness or number of complications that may occur if Diabetes is not properly controlled and monitored, with foot problems among the most serious. Approximately 15% of diabetics will develop a foot ulcer, with a smaller percentage of those at risk of limb amputation.
The Diabetic foot requires a significant amount of attention and care to ensure that complications are rare, with your General Practitioner and Podiatrist playing a key role in your ongoing monitoring. In saying this, every diabetic has their own important role to play in maintaining foot health. Below are some useful tips for caring for your feet at home.
Check your feet on a daily basis for any of the following signs; (a mirror is useful to help to see the soles of your feet easily)
Run your hands along the soles of your feet to check for any temperature changes from top to bottom.
Check your shoes before you put them on each day and have them fitted properly
It is important that if you notice any of the above signs when you check your feet that you contact your podiatrist ASAP for a proper review. Early treatment of wounds will reduce healing times and significantly minimise the risk of further complications.
Aside from your daily self-foot care, ensure you are visiting the podiatrist at minimum 12 monthly for a full diabetic foot assessment. This should involve a blood supply check with a Doppler and blood pressure machine, a nerve function assessment and general foot care. More frequent checks may be indicated for higher risk patients.
See our website for more information on diabetes and the feet.
Flat feet and lower limb biomechanics can cause lower back pain. We can help with a range of effective treatment options.
If you have knee pain, you might have Patellofemoral syndrome, which left untreated can become a chronic condition.
Active individuals often get shin splints. We can help with custom orthotics, massage and strapping.
Heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis) is the most common condition that presents at our clinics. We can help.
The average pair of feet walk approximately 200,000 km over the course of a lifetime - have you had yours checked recently?
Our new modern, purpose built clinic on Mulgrave Road in Earlville, is the only podiatry clinic north of south-east Queensland to include a running rehab room and gym. This clinic is a game changer for podiatry in North Queensland. Podiatrist Cairns.